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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Bruce Miller

That is very silly! What is Millei going to do for Ukraine? Argentina is a mess right now. Maybe Putin would disrupt or meddle who knows but it just seems like a lot of effort for no payoff.

The idea that 'putting out information' is automatically a society-destroyer needs to be examined more closely. People panic about this too much. How do you mess with a country that is unstable, which is being run into the ground by a libertarian lunatic? And really--now S. America is going to have intracountry conflict (this does worry me...is someone planning something?)

Millei just sucks up to everyone though! Who knows what he is really 'for.' He doesn't believe anything. He is like Trump that way.

Maybe you had to grow up in the Cold War to look askance at certain kinds of panic. I had someone in my family who was very 'up on' all the secret dastardly things the Soviets would do, then the secret dastardly things the Muslims would do, etc. Some of it was very 'Havana Syndrome'-esque. Most of it was imaginary. A lot of it wasn't happening or didn't happen. But it was in major papers. (His child was very likely a member of the CIA --for real--and was equally full of wacky ideas.)

Americans are somewhat crazier than we are willing to realize. We're literally blockading and starving a country for 50 years like Cuba, LONG after the Cold War, LONG after even the death of the leader our leaders decided to be obsesses with (which was possibly unnecessary in the first place). And then we're claiming they have a secret weapon which causes secret brain damage in diplomats without anyone knowing? One that is, as far as we know, physically impossible as it would have to be large, yet transported without anyone knowing?

Then they find a kind of cricket in Cuba that makes the exact noise described as the secret weapon but we still spend millions on investigating this 'secret weapon.'

More people need to watch Dr. Strangelove and read Graham Greene.

Maybe some of these people aren't crazy. Someone successfully stopped the loosening of the embargo, for example. Or they take advantage of other people's gullibility. Plausibility should matter but when you make your enemy a nefarious shadow maybe then it just gets easier.

I'm sure it doesn't help that, in some ways, Putin IS a nefarious shadow who seems about to kill ANYBODY and nobody knows how he does it.

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